Tradition. Innovation. Performance.

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About Us

Joseph Abboud, PE

Abboud Engineering was founded in 2000 by our Founder and President Joseph Abboud, PE.

Joseph has over 30 years of continuous Architectural & Engineering design and management. He has a strong background in the planning, budgeting, design, and construction of infrastructure. As a technical business manager, Joseph conducts the business development and marketing as well as maintains client relationships for all commercial, industrial, telecom and residential projects. Joseph is a Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (A.S.C.E.), National Society of Professional engineers (N.S.P.E.), and Texas Society of Professional Engineers (T.S.P.E.).

Bourjois Abboud, MBA

Another member of our Executive Team is Mr. Bourjois Abboud, MBA. With over 20 years in Healthcare and Real Estate development, Bourjois lead small and large companies’ growth initiatives. Bourjois is responsible for the budgeting and finance operations, human resources, and contract negotiations. Bourjois sits on the boards of many local and national non-profit organizations.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our Mission is to dedicate all our resources into providing an unparalleled service to our customers.

Our Core Values

Our Core Values

At Abboud Engineering, we consider quality to be the centerpiece of our work. The standards we have built over the years govern our processes and direct our behavior. We instill this belief in all our associate’s behavior and apply it to all our projects.

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